
Selma Gomez

Casi was inspired by Selena Gomez's tweet showing her dark nail polish topped with sparkles. So we went to Walgreens, tried on all the $1.99 polishes in the store and tried to imitate the Disney star. Then I tweeted a picture of it...but my iPhone self corrected "selena" and turned it into "Selma" and then I received a text from my sister "who is selma gomez?" Feeling less cool and hip by the moment...


Attached to the laundromat by my house is the cutest coffee shop. Sundays in here are packed with people on their computers, reading,  and drinking coffee while they wait for their laundry. And of course because I live in San Francisco, there is quite the interesting mix of people. The lady behind the counter has streaked cherry red hair and a nose piercing ( one of those that goes in between your nostrils... how does she blow her nose?), the two middle aged ladies next to me are talking about weed brownies and how they really think they deserve medical marijuana cards for their migraines, and I just saw a girl approach a guy and ask him about what he was working on his computer screen and now they are sitting side by side holding hands (love?) and I'm positive they were strangers ten minutes ago. I like this place... minus the folding and carrying my suitcase of clothes back up the hill to my apartment...



I had one of my best birthdays so far on Tuesday. Work surprised me with flowers and a cake (candles and singing included) which was a welcomed surprise. The day continued with two more deliveries of beautiful flowers, one from my parents and one from Maddi :) . After work, Steph and I went shopping and then met Casi, Gillian, Rose and Brandon for drinks at Butterfly, a fun restaurant at Pier 33 and then spent the rest of the night enjoying the view on my roof with a bottle of wine, or 4. Thank you everybody for your calls, emails, facebook posts, and tweets; I think 23 is going to be a great year...

from Maddi

from Eastwick


I like watching people fall...

There is nothing funnier than watching someone wipe out. I feel like as someone who has endured some of the most epic falls of all time, I have earned the right to enjoy watching it happen to others.

Most recent example here - Laugh

Loving this song right now...


You belong among the wildflowers,
You belong in a boat out at sea,
Sail away, kill off the hours,
You Belong somewhere you feel free
- Wildflowers, Tom Petty



My first baseball season in San Francisco and the Giants won the World Series!!! I admit I feel like a bit of a traitor jumping on this band wagon (still love the Cardinals of course). My office took a break in the morning to go to the parade where 1.4 million people crowded the streets downtown to welcome the team back, each player in their own SF cable car. So much fun...


Spent Saturday picnic-ing by the beach with Casi and Steph and walking around this lake at the Palace of Fine Arts. Met a strange couple who found out I was from Saint Louis and said "oooo it's so hot in the summer, but you're lucky that there are so many cute bunny rabbits there." I guess?